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Podcasts and Webinars
Bright Spots in Healthcare Podcast
Podcasts and Webinars

Healthcare leaders from Blue Shield of California, CareSource, UT Health Austin and Vori Health discuss the importance of adopting a whole-person approach across the broader healthcare experience to maximize value, drive healthy behavior change and ensure more equitable care. Learn how to develop an integrated whole-person solution framework and implement strategies to support members with chronic and high-risk conditions.

Topics include:
  • Adopting self-service digital tools and applications to engage members
  • Providing access to resources, health coaches, medication, and mental/behavioral health support
  • Leveraging medical and SDoH data to determine unique needs, tailor care, and sustain healthy behavior change
  • Judith Davis, Vice President Clinical Operations, Ohio Market, CareSource
  • Angie Kalousek Ebrahimi, Senior Director, Lifestyle Medicine, Blue Shield of California
  • Karl Koenig, M.D., M.S., Executive Director, Musculoskeletal Institute; Division Chief of Orthopaedic Surgery, Associate Professor of Surgery and Perioperative Care, Dell Medical School,
  • Ryan A. Grant, MD, MBA, FAANS, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Vori Health

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